Thursday, March 8, 2012

Will You Help???

We are so excited that we are officially missionaries with IBM Global!!!  Our support need has been set by our new mission board, and we are at 76% of our needed support.  God has been so good and we are praising Him for His faithfulness!!  

Through FAITH in what only God can do we would love to be on the field by 
SEPTEMBER 3, 2012.  
In order for that to happen we need to be at 100% support by July and for that to happen we need your help.  I know sometimes it's easy to look at our budget and think we don't have a lot to give, and so we don't give at all.  There are many missionaries and causes I would love to support, but "it's just not in the budget."  And sometimes I think we tend to feel that giving a small amount would be insulting.  Please know that every little bit helps.  

We have no doubt that God has called us to this ministry, and we have no doubt in His perfect timing.  We are tremendously thankful for everyone who has partnered with us in this ministry in prayer and finances.  We do not take you for granted and wouldn't be where we are if it weren't for you.  If you're already financially partnering with our ministry would you considering increasing your 
for us?  We need all the prayers we can get in order to faithfully carry out the work God has for us.  Please pray with us that God would do some incredible things and help us get to Zambia by September. 

We have prayerfully made the decision to call out for support.  If you've been introduced to the ministry God has called us to or if you get our updates and have considered supporting us we would LOVE to have you partner with us.  Whether you can only afford $3 -$5 a month or $20 or $100.  We are asking you to pray and by faith ask God how much he would desire you to contribute to our ministry.  There is no greater investment than in eternity.  It's what God has called us to invest our lives in and our finances.  

It has always made me uncomfortable asking for money.  I always hated the fund raisers we had to do for choir or soccer as a kid in school.  I had no desire to be the "big seller" and win the prizes.  
What God has called our family to is infinitely more important than a school choir or soccer team jerseys.  He has called us to invest in eternity, and by partnering with us you have a huge treasure stored up in Heaven and the prize is so much bigger than any school fund raiser.  

If you would like to know more about our ministry please check out our website  

If  you have an questions please contact us.  We would love to answer whatever we can.

If you would like to have us discuss our ministry with you as an individual or at your church or bible study we would love to meet with you.  Just contact us and we'll set a date!

And, if you know how God would have you contribute you can either contact our mission board and set that up, or IBM Global now has the ability to process pre-authorized ‘automated giving’ - either through EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or through recurring credit card transactions. To get started, simply click on this link and follow the instructions to register. Registering online will give you the ability to manage your online donations and access your gift history.
 If you would like additional information regarding this service, please contact Jennifer Mitchell (the office manager at IBM Global) at or 603-821-5232.

And please tell your friends and family about this ministry.  We would love to share with them all God is doing.

Thank you so much for all your love, encouragement and support.  We are the body of Christ and God uses us to share His love with the world.  Thank you for being His body and helping us do His work.  
We're so grateful for you.