Home sweet Home away from home. All five of us slept in this tent. There wasn't a time you weren't touching at least three people. Four nights of family togetherness.
W is now a professional at rolling and chasing a tire. Just don't ask the chicken he ran over. It wouldn't agree.
Boys will be boys. He HAD to help start the cooking fires.
I made this one big so you could see it. Not the amazing sunset, but the hundreds of tiny specks in the sky. My camera lense wasn't dirty. Those are thousands (literally thousands) of termites coming out of the ground and flying around. The children LOVED it!! They ran around swatting at them like they were bubbles. They were everywhere!
Pastor Arthur told us as we were passing this spot that it reminds him of the green pastures in Psalm 23. Beautiful.
This is the tsetse fly. If it bites you you will get sleeping sickness. We caught it in our car. *sigh* I'm getting sleeeeppppyyyy.....
The girls found sweet kitties to play with. Once they realized there were kittens on the farm they did nothing else. Next trip out we may be coming home with a new pet.
L showing Theresa her kitten.
Theresa Hanakoma (from our presentation) with her newest grandson. He is totally precious!
L learned how to carry the babies on her back. She loved getting to play little mommy.
How many Zambians can you fit in/on a truck? 22 this Sunday!
Kaponde Baptist Church in Nambaaza. All these bricks have been made by the local believers for the Development Center and our House.
This is where we had Sunday School for the kids.
My Sunday School class. Please read the previous post about my time with them and keep these sweet children in your prayers.