Have things ever been crazy around here. I can't believe it's been so long since I updated everything. So sorry! Lets see...
Probably five weeks ago now we went to Florida to present our ministry in a couple of different churches. While we were there we were able to visit with my sister and her husband and some of my extended family we haven't seen in years. It was such a blessing! We were able to stop by the beach a couple of days. It was cold, but the kids enjoyed playing in the sun and running in the surf.
While we were stuck in traffic a sky writer was leaving messages in the sky. It was fun to get to watch what he wrote. Everyone was trying to guess. He wrote, "Trust Jesus. Love God." When Lorelei saw what he wrote she responded with, "I bet the Muslims are going to be terrified when they read that!" We had a good laugh over her creative mind.
Three weeks ago Jorja fell (off the potty) and broke her elbow. We took her to the emergency room in Parkersburg, but they didn't have a surgeon so they transported ($$$$$) her to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. She had two pins inserted into the corrected bone. We are on week three of the cast, and she is doing wonderful with it. Hopefully only one week longer and they will take the cast off, the pins out, and send her home in a sling. Then the job will be to get her used to using that arm again. Please pray that she continues to heal quickly and that she regains full strength and mobility in her right arm. Thank goodness she's a lefty!!
The Sunday after Jorja broke her arm we were resting between church services when we heard a great bang that shook the whole house. We ran upstairs to find Warrick's dresser knocked over. He was crying and we were concerned that he had hurt himself and we were going to be taking another trip to the emergency room. Thankfully Warrick was uninjured (although I'm pretty sure there was a squished guardian angel under there). It sure gave us a scare, though. He was pretty proud to pose with his accomplishment when we took the picture of it.
The next day Jorja celebrated her fourth birthday. It was a Tinker Bell party and we had a great time. Mandy's parent's came out to celebrate and then took Lorelei and Warrick with them for the week so that we could start getting our house ready to sell.
We used the next week to unclutter and deep clean the house. Goodwill has been well supplied. Now we're painting and repairing the interior of the house. Our church had a work evening and we had six wonderful friends come out to help. They painted, cleaned carpets, scrubbed, took out a poison oak covered bush (pray Sam doesn't get poison oak now), fixed plumbing, and watched the kids so that Jamie and I could work. We got so much accomplished!! What a blessing. Later on one of a couple of the guys came back to start scraping the garage so we can get it painted. They have another work day scheduled for the Saturday before Easter. Please pray for good weather so we can get the needed landscaping and painting done outside.
The next week we left for Kansas City, MO. On our way we stopped to interview with a church mission staff in Indiana, and spent the night with Jamie's sister and her family. The last time we were with her family Lorelei and Jamie got a stomach virus and were very sick. This time it was Jorja's time with the stomach virus and we were up all night with her. Lorelei got to experience a first for her. When she was two she knocked out her top five front teeth. since then she has been wearing an appliance with false teeth. She's always wanted to eat corn on the cob, but couldn't because of her appliance. Her adult teeth are coming in and the appliance has been taken out. She greatly enjoyed her corn on the cob as much as she can with three teeth in front.
Then she willingly helped Jorja enjoy her corn on the cob since she has her cast and can't hold her own. It was so cute and sweet!
We continued on our journey and now we are in Kansas City. It is warm and beautiful and we are enjoying our time ministering to and being ministered to by the wonderful church here. Please pray for our safety as we travel back Monday and Tuesday and for these churches as they pray about partnering with us in our ministry.
It seems like things have been happening so fast we can't keep up! I suppose I would rather have it this way than to lead a boring life. Life is always an adventure when we're obediently following God's direction. So, in the next couple of months hopefully the house and van will sell and we'll have a new (used) truck and camper to live in. There is even more going on that I'm not free to mention just yet, but if all goes accordingly life will be more busy, but more blessed! Someone recently warned me that we shouldn't be pushing God to work on our timing. All I have to say is that we're not pushing anything. We're having trouble keeping up with all God's doing in our lives. Thank you so much for all the prayers and encouragement. You have all been such a blessing to us. We love you dearly and are extremely grateful to you.